I am used to facing dilemmas in my practice. But the most perplexing case I had was with a 35 yr old female who was at the same time 6 month old pregnant stage 4 with an oozing wound on the breast. What do you do? You end the pregnancy and do radiotherapy or chemotherapy? Or you go ahead do the modalities without batting an eyelash on the baby in uteru. Prolifers would squirm with this idea. In terms of treatment it is out of the question. A stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis all over the body has a few months to live. But we have to provide pain relief. Drugs like oxycontine and morphine will provide relief. But these are very toxic to the baby causing a lot of damage . I presented this case to the GYNECOLOGISTS and they opted for caesarean section to bring out the baby and give him a chance to live. As of me, I cannot do anything for the breast cancer. Surgery is out of the question because breast cancers are noted to bleed profusely even without stopping. The patient went into pulmonary edema and died before any intervention could be done. The baby died in uteru because the patient and relatives would not agree to any caesarean section.
medicine is a changing art. Controversies in management of diseases arise not immediately addressed by the medical world. I am posting this for you to know which side you are on and decide which way to take.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
literate self-medication
I am always appalled by illnesses resulting from self medication. I have seen a lot of complications resulting to self-treatment that I have been thinking of ways to teach people how to self medicate. We cannot force people to go to medical school before treating themselves. And there is no way a non-medical person could ever teach how to treat illnesses. Most people would only relate what they have taken and experienced. And these do not apply to any body else but themselves. I am coming up with this idea on a website where you can ask questions what to do with your illness similar to a second opinion. ( inhousedoctor.com.ph). It is still in its construction stage and we will feature a lot of ways of self treatment
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Not really a hype, but the scare of kidney side effects of medicine is well known. Because of this I have seen a lot of patients succumb to a more serious disease like stroke when anti-hypertensive medicines are stop without medical consultation; heart attack when vasodilators are suddenly discontinued at the behest of relatives and neighbors; flaring up of infection because antibiotics were suddenly discontinued and changed to herbal supplements. It is true that to have to read medical articles and opinions in newspapers, internet and magazines. But you have to consult a physician for any changes in your drug regimen. You did not have the education and you will never know how to treat yourself or other people. Stop giving advice for treatment. You don't have an iota of knowledge of what you are saying. Leave it to the professionals.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Keloid scars are horrible to see. They are so disfiguring and ugly to look at. And yet, it is so common. A small injury to the chest and it enlarges to a very big hard bridge of a tissue. When surgically removed, they occupy the line of incision and becomes larger and uglier. There is no other resort but to inject steroids subcutaneously with local anesthesia. The success rate is about 35% after a 6 monthly injection. but the side effects are horrendous; buffalo hump, rounded face, brittle bones in old patients,etc. but some patients would rather have the side effects than to have this kind of scar.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
old age
With our sophisticated technology and cosmetics, we don't have a reason why we don't use them to prevent appearing our age. Some people insist on appearing old despite the fact that there is no advantage in that. Yes, in some countries they still respect old people. But in most cities, old men and women are pushed aside. Now, if you groom yourself to a younger look, you get a lot of boost from the people around you and from yourself. When you look at yourself and find yourself wonderful, you release a lot of good endorphines which are good to your heart, lungs, kidneys , brain and liver not counting sex stamina and psychological goodness.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Taking health into your own hands
A small skin tag was noticed by the patient on her chest. It was not bothering her but because she was beauty conscious, she cut it with a nail cutter. It bled profusely but eventually stopped. In the next few days, an ugly mass started to protrude and formed where the skin tag was. And this is the result . I surgically removed it and found the base was so big for a nail cutter to cut.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A lot of you do not know why an illness needs major
surgery and another is a minor surgery. Probably you think it has got to do
with money. NO sir. Surgical cases are categorized as minor or major depending
on the difficulty of the procedure, the need to anesthetitize ( whether general
anesthesia or local anesthesia), the need for assistant surgeons and nurses,
the complication of the procedure and instruments to be used.
Appendicitis cannot be done in the clinic as in excision of cyst of the breast
because the procedure entails opening of the abdomen, pulling out a portion of
the intestine ( which is painful), using spinal anesthesia and the need for the
patient to stay in the hospital to recover from the surgery. If medicine can come up with a procedure
wherein we can send the patient home after surgery for Acute Appendicitis, this
illness will become a minor thing.
Many surgical
procedures can become a minor procedure if we can send the patient home as soon
as it is finished. Few years from now, gall bladder surgery could become a
minor surgery since our postoperative recovery period is becoming shorter and
shorter. Twenty years from now, probably, we can do heart surgery in the
morning and the patient can go home in the afternoon.
We used to have
patients who had been operated for goiter to stay in the hospital for a month
or two. Back in the sixties, I still can remember my relatives who stay in the
hospital for months because of an illness especially when it entails surgery.
There are some
surgical procedures today that could easily become clinic procedures in the future.
Herniorrhapy or
the surgery for hernia is one. Since the procedure is only repair of the
abdominal wall defect, this can easily be done in the clinic if we can instill
anesthesia lesser than spinal.
Another is
hemorrhoidectomy or the surgery for the almoranas. I have done some in the
clinic but they were the small ones not those who are as big as the tomato. The
problem with the big ones is that they bleed profusely and if done outside of
the operating room, the procedure is very scary. The amount of anesthesia is so great that the
possibility of cardiac arrest is there.
We surgeons always think of doing a cheaper surgery.
If we can spare the patient of so much expense, we will do the procedure in the
clinic if it can be done without riskTuesday, May 22, 2012
With the bulk of patients I see, I often find myself
wondering which patient has this and which patient has that especially when I
meet them in Malls or streets. Nowadays, I do not encounter people seeking
consultation in the streets unlike few years back. It is probably because
people have learned that it is dangerous to consult a doctor in the middle of
the aisles of groceries and Malls; between the cans of sardines and tissue
paper ( you know, the mind set of the doctor is the name of the corned beef he is about to purchase
and so, he might unintentionally prescribe it).
The bigger problem I have is to recall what I did for this patient or that patient a few years ago. People recall incidents if they are traumatic, exciting, romantic and money making. Otherwise, you forget about it in sixty seconds flat. We doctors remember all the things we did on a patient but forget his name. We can recall what part of the hospital you were admitted; what particular bed; what medicines; but not your face. Much more the relatives. People expect us to remember the cousins, the nephews, the neighbor, the kumpadre.
The bigger problem I have is to recall what I did for this patient or that patient a few years ago. People recall incidents if they are traumatic, exciting, romantic and money making. Otherwise, you forget about it in sixty seconds flat. We doctors remember all the things we did on a patient but forget his name. We can recall what part of the hospital you were admitted; what particular bed; what medicines; but not your face. Much more the relatives. People expect us to remember the cousins, the nephews, the neighbor, the kumpadre.
I had the unfortunate
experience of forgetting the wife of my anesthesiologist. But that was forgivable because though I see
him almost everyday in the operating
room, I have not seen the wife for many
years. But forgetting one’s patient is sometimes a dilemma. Do you feign
surprise or forgetful? It takes a few seconds ( long after the person is gone)
before I could connect the present to the past. I often joke to my friends that
if someone would sell my brain it would be cheap and bargain because it is over
But the findings of
Science now is that the more you use your brain, the more it builds synapses
(connections) and axons ( branches). Thinkers brains have known to be packed
and condensed compared to people who do not think.
What we lack is
focus. Since our brains are constantly working and building terminals, focus is
indirectly inhibited by some parts of the brain. What should take nanoseconds to process, the brain
takes seconds . Thus, the “hah?” in your doctor’s conversation is just a
delaying tactic for him to reprocess the input.
It is not only
doctors who have this dilemma. Busy people and those who are always under
stress have this. Especially soldiers who are constantly on the alert for 24
hours will have severe difficulty focusing.
Vitamins and
medicines do not help. Yoga and meditation do. If you allow your brains to rest
as in sleeping, appreciating the beauty of nature ( not in night clubs, of
course) or just stop thinking for a while, the brain will have the time to
In the advent of stem
cell research, we will understand how the brain works in the future. Today,
they can view the activity of the brain by scanning. In a short while, we could
identify the thought process itself.
In the meantime, I
have to do with social tactics and antics in entertaining my previous patients
in order to swim thru forgetfulness.
Monday, May 21, 2012
single iota of doubt destroys all plans and good scenarios one can imagine. In
surgery, this destroys all plans a surgeon has envisioned prior to a contemplated procedure in the
operating room.
the surgeon suggests to the patient that
surgery is the only alternative to the cure of his/her disease, up front he is
trying to convince himself that he can do it and that he can readily cure the
patient of his or her illness. This is no easy task since a surgeon’s mind is
the most vicious critic of his own His
training, his upbringing, his experience and his current know-how play a big part in this decision. Once he has
crossed the threshold of confidence, he is not out of the woods yet. The
patient, his relatives, his neighbors and all the people surrounding him carry
a big factor in carrying out the surgeon’s plan.
often, those relatives who have not heard the explanation of the surgeon will
be the people who will spoil the broth. They will have a better idea than the
surgeon….kuno!! The oppositionist would always be that his doctor friend knows
about it and that surgery is out of the question. What is more intriguing is
that the supposedly expert doctor is not even a specialist of this case. He
could be either an Internist commenting about a surgical case, a pediatrician
or even a general practitioner.
how small the doubt is if suggested to a patient who (and no other) will go
under the knife and no one else could substitute for him, he will doubt the surgeon, too. No
explanation whatsoever could change his mind unless the doubting Thomas himself
will correct that mistake to the patient.
is ok if the illness or disease can wait and no
virulent activity is going on
inside the patient. What if his case is that of an intestinal obstruction or
Acute appendicitis where every minute counts? The delay is detrimental to the
is why a second opinion must be official and that the surgeon must see the
patient before he can make a diagnosis or recommendation. The problem is that
relatives often will only bring the results and not the patient to his clinic.
The second opinion surgeon will be forced to make a diagnosis based on paper
and not on physical examination. This creates a big difference. There are lots
of diseases never confirmed by diagnostic procedures and the surgeon’s hands
are the only diagnostic instrument.Sunday, May 20, 2012
affordable medical care
Around the world, people complain of expensive medical care. Nobody can afford good medical care except the rich. I was just wondering why we came to this point when 1,000 years ago the doctor or the medicine man for that matter was not receiving much except the dole outs from the tribe or the community. He gathered medical herbs; concocted them and apply to patients without fee. But he never went to school nor use medicines manufactured by others for a fee nor use instruments invented by others. The advancements of medicine has left so many people behind and there is no way we can go back to that situation unless we lose the current way of life by holocaust or global tragedy. Many people have taken medical care into their hands by using herbal medicines or prescription medicines without the advice of a physician. But we can probably redirect the advancement of medicine to meet the capacity of people to pay. One way would be easy access to doctors via Internet. I am setting up a website where you can learn and take care of yourself without so much expense. It only takes for you to know what you feel; where in your body do you feel it and what are the associated signs and symptoms. Via, cellphones and Ipads, you can communicate with a doctor direct and converse with him real time. A lot of medical consultations in the clinic are made even without physical examination. Now, I have made doctors more accessible. Wait for the breakthrough in medical care.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Acute appendicitis
I am always asked what causes Acute appendicitis. We don't really know really. It is the most common surgical illness and until now we still don't know why. And until now, the only method of diagnosis is by the physical examination of a surgeon. No reliable diagnostic method could help in the diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis. This is one illness that you can never do away the doctor.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Numbness and tingling sensation of the leg is a sign of low blood supply often seen in diabetics and smokers. One way of alleviating these symptoms is to immersed the legs inside a pail of warm water for 15minutes 2 times a day.
Monday, May 14, 2012
who i am
Edward R. Cagape MD
completed residency training in General Surgery. Passed the board exams.
Background includes excellent tenure as resident in General surgery,
professorship in a nursing school and medical school, .medical director of a multinational corporation and a
secondary hospital, designed a medical health program for a community and
employees of a multinational corporation, president of a diagnostic laboratory
and group practice facility, columnist of a locally based mass circulating
newspaper, host to a community radio program, vice president and medical
consultant to a local Rotary Club
*Board certified in
the Professional Regulatory Commission
of the Philippines
*Passed the written
exam of the Philippine College of Surgeons
San Pedro Hospital of Davao, Davao city, Ph 1979-1980
International Red Cross, Digos chapter, Digos City ,
Volunteer physician
Community Charity volunteer
Davao Medical School Foundation, Davao city, PH
Ministry of health of
Libya , Sabratha , Libya 1983-1984
Primary Health Surgeon
King Cooperative Inc, Davao City ,
Ph 1986-1990
Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines ,
Davao City , Ph 1986-1992
Medical Director
Lingkud Bayan, ABS-CBN, Manila , Ph 1986-1999
Visiting Surgeon
Visiting Surgeon
Visiting Surgeon
Medical Mission Hosp, Davao City ,
Ph 1986-present
Visiting Surgeon
UM Multitest Diagnostic Center, Davao City ,
Ph 1988-1992
Medical Director
Barangay 22 Health Center , Davao
City , Ph 1995-2005
Reach-out program
Rotary Club of Davao , Davao City ,
Ph 2001-2008
Mindanao Daily Mirror, Davao City ,
Ph 1996-2006
Medical columnist
Doctor on the Air (Doktor sa Kahanginan)
Regulation Commission, Manila ,
Philippine College of Surgeons , written exam
Philippine Medical
Occupational and Industrial Medicine Association
Doctor on the Air
radio program
In-House Doctor
The Correspondents –
SKYCABLE – Channel
26-Medical Cable Channel
Ateneo de
Davao University, Davao
City , Ph 1974
Bachelor of
Science in Natural Sciences
Filipino Tagalog,
Bisayan, English
Sunday, May 13, 2012
txt a doctor
I will be starting a new mode of medical consultation. You can text me anywhere in the world and I will answer you. I will set up the system with our local carriers. In due time you can ask any question pertaining to health. In a few minutes, you will see my biodata. You will know how reliable I am. I have been in practice for 30 years as a surgeon.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
steve Job's doctor
If you have been reading FORTUNE mag, you could have read the article on the doctor of Steve Jobs. He was promulgating the use of preventive medicine and very radical treatment of cancer for example. You could also have read the reaction of some doctors pertaining to his regimen. This is a problem plaguing the medical world. We cannot embrace new ideas without first destroying the messenger. A lot of people have been disillusioned because of controversies we find in medical practice. Now, if you are a history fanatic, you could have known that medical treatment has changed a lot and have turned around in the past century. Whom would you believe now?Follow the wind of change. If you do
not, people will blame you. If you do and it did not work, you can blame yourself. Which is heavier to face, your own conscience or the ridicule of other people?
not, people will blame you. If you do and it did not work, you can blame yourself. Which is heavier to face, your own conscience or the ridicule of other people?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
povidone iodine
For the last 30 years I have seen the bad result of using povidone iodine in dressing wounds. Many form scubs with the wound unhealed underneath and pus forming in it. I have since nonhealing wounds due to constant use of povidone iodine. But if you walk into an emergency room, most of not all hospital personnel would use povidone iodine instead of ordinary soap and water to clean wound. Many people accuse the medical profession to be stagnant and difficult to adjust to the current trend. I don't know how we could adjust fast.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
If you haven't known it yet, taking anti-cholesterol tablets destroy your liver; no matter what preparation it is. Most doctors would prescribe you one if you have dyslipidemia or abnormal cholesterol findings in your blood chemistry. But I follow a different protocol. Even if you have dyslipidemia, if you don't have hypertension, I will not ask you to take it. The benefit from taking it is less than the risk of developing liver cirrhosis. If you have ischemic heart disease and your cholesterol is more than the normal level, take it.If you have a family history of stroke. heart attacks and vascular abnormalities, take it. If you don't have all these factors, don't.
Monday, May 7, 2012
medical advice
9 out of 10 person you meet when you talk about your own illness will give medical advice and/or medications despite the fact that they never had a proper medical education nor experience as a paramedic.Often these advises are based on what they heard; hearsay or plain quackery. 2/3 of these advises fail and result to harm or death to the person given the advice. Often times, these causes delay in the intervention of proper treatment like in breast cancer which turns into stage 4 before proper treatment was initiated. There ought to be a law against this and a penalty should be imposed.
result of self treatment
This was an ordinary sebaceous cyst on the right side of the neck which the patient monkeyed with. She placed all kinds of lenements including toothpaste, mashed garlic, lotions and potions bought from friends and undocumented neighbors( read: non-doctors who play doctor and give prescriptions). It did not appear as a normal sebaceous cyst should and so, many doctors were misled of the appearance. Many of them thought it was a malignant lymphoma and requested CAT SCAN of the head and neck. Some doctors entertained GOITER. 7 doctors were consulted before she came to me for advice whether she needs all those lab exams the doctors were requesting including biopsy, AIDS SCREENING, LUPUS SCREENING, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and other sophisticated diagnostics. Moral lesson: do not self medicated and never listen to undocumented neighbors.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
In my 32 years of practicing medicine, I always hear patients asking questions to my secretary instead of directing them to me . Though I am open to discussion and always hear my patients relate their stories, the hours they stay in front of me is not adequate. They have more questions when they go out of the clinic. They often lose words when they are in front of me
Friday, May 4, 2012
numbed forearm
When you start having numbness of your arm, especially the arm you are often using to work on the computer, you are having nerve palsy due to your static position ( same posture for more than 4 hours on the monitor). There is no relief with any medication. You have to rest your arm for 24 hours and massage the muscles of the back and arm. Then start taking analgesics like Mefenamic. When you back to work, rest every 45 minutes to allow the muscles of your extremities to relax.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
To viagra or not
Don't count on it. It depends on how desperate you are to have sex. You don't even need it if your libido is high. It may cause a prolonged hardness but it does not increase the number of ejaculations. Most of the time, the action of the medicine is so delayed that you thought it did great. But it was not. Your psychological desire to have sex did a good job than the Viagra.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
We surgeons call the abdomen the temple of surprises. No matter how good we are in physical examination and diagnosis. No matter what kind of diagnostic exam would we use to confirm our diagnosis. We are surprised by the outcome in some 20\% of cases. An acute appendicitis could turn out to be a twisted ovarian cyst or worst ectopic pregnancy. The most difficult surprise would be a case when we are not prepared to do like when a patient was diagnosed to have a gastric tumor and will turn out to be a pancreatic head tumor in the 4th stage. Most often these cases end up as an open-close surgery.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
circumcision again
I often tease my young patients who would reluctantly come for circumcision. Oftentimes, it is the desire of the father or mother or grandparents that these youngsters undergo surgery and not of their own wish. Thus, when they come inside the clinic, in a loud voice I would ask them whether they came because they really like to have a circumcision or probably was forced to come by these relatives. When they do not respond immediately, I would add that if it was not their wish, let the father undergo circumcision instead of them. This usually gains a smile and confidence from them.
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