Monday, April 16, 2012


If we survey the world, a lot of countries are adopting the ritual the Jews started 4,000 yrs ago; circumcision. The only populace who does not believe it is necessary are those who live in Europe. Circumcision is practiced in most countries in Asia except in Korea and Japan though  Christians are a minority.
I used to have a website way back in 1996 and I featured the necessity of circumcising children for hygienic reasons. A lot of readers reacted to it even violently with a lots of exclamation points on their blogs.
Today, WHO is recommending circumcision to all children especially in AIDS prone countries. Before, I used to do the surgery for the simple reason that in my country it is the tradition whose majority population is Christian. When I was in Libya in 1984, circumcision was a practice done to young boys in that country. The procedure is so simple. It is just cutting the upper portion of the prepuce ( penile skin) and trimming it. Surgical techniques have been developed reducing blood loss and pain. I usually do it in 10minutes flat. I dampen the fear and anxiety of the boy by talking about school, classmates, teachers, peer group, toys, movies and friends

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