Farting is such a great sorrow
The absence of which there is no tomorrow
After an exlap if there is an absence
Nothing could check the intestine's function and presence
Catscan, ultrasound, blood exam patient can undergo
They have nothing the Stethoscope can do
Sounds doctors could hear
that would lift spirits dread of fear
You don't know how much we anticipate farting
From a patient who underwent major cutting
Post surgery If we don't hear its murmur
We worry and scratch our head what can we do more
It's the only indication that everything inside is ok
We have not left a scalpel or even a tray
How disappointing and horrible would it be
To tell a patient we have left something inside thee
Ho ho ho ho farting we smile when someone does it
Because not only sound but smell we get it
We say how bad you did what you did
But in the wards it's the sound we always anticipated
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