Monday, December 10, 2012


Time and again I have proven that povidone iodine placed on a wound will delay healing. It forms a hardened scab over the wound accumulating pus, preventing proliferation and growth of new tissue and even killing it and forming a big crater of a non-healing wound.
I have stopped using povidone iodine solution on wound dressing since 1986 right after I noticed that it takes time for the wound to dry up even ordinary abrasions sustained by patients who figured in a vehicular accident.
I have seen with my own eyes under a microscope how povidone iodine dehydrates skin cells and kills them the way it kills bacteria.It is good for preoperative skin preparation but not for fresh wounds and dressing.
But until now nobody seems to know about it. IN all emergency rooms in any hospital here in the Philippines, povidone iodine is the routine dressing solution. Soap and water are forgotten; the right solutions for wounds.

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