Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Doctors are great money finders. We work our butt but we are well compensated. The problem is we don't know how to handle money. We believe in people who say they are good in investment and we entrust our money to them for investment or we join them in a project. At the end we are always holding an empty bag and a lot of debts. Name the business and I have invested on it except pimping ( of course).
+Suzi Orman is one of the finance gurus that I follow. Though her shows were aired in cable before, today I miss it. She had a lot to say about personal investment and denies almost every other person who invest or buy more than they can afford. But I had yet to hear from her which investment last a lifetime. All institutions which were the monuments of stability ( Lehman, AIG, CITICORP) went down and they were all the apple of +Suzi's eye.
Watching NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and Discovery Channel, people who owned castles and empires went down to their graves thinking that their inheritors would live their lives with nothing to worry about money. Many of these descendants live to see their castles foreclosed by the government or taken from them.
Now, where does a simple surgeon place his money for safe keeping for the future when his hands would have tremors and would be incapable to suture a small vessel. At those times, young surgeons will take over and the old surgeon would be left with the memory of shouting in the operating room: "NEXT"!!

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