Monday, June 25, 2012


You can always take some drugs to go to sleep. But the natural-normal way to go back to sleep is to make your brain rest. When you hit the sack and you cannot bring yourself to sleep because of so many things entering your mind, get up, walk or do some readings. Or,  think about what is bothering you until the time you are nodding. This comes when you have already made up your mind what to do with the problem or you have come up with a solution. Drinking milk or sipping tea is a ritual that could help but this is due to the calming effect of the act of drinking just like smoking. Most people stay in bed despite the fact that they cannot sleep. This causes more problems to your brain. You toss and turn which activates a lot of muscles thereby increasing a vicious cycle of muscle contraction and thinking. Get back to bed and close your eyes without forcing yourself.. Think of empty space like a beach or a desert and nothing to see except the sand or the sea or the space where nothing is moving nor anything to attract your attention. Some people think of clouds. But this usually triggers a lot of memories just like the beach or the desert for some people. If all these scenarios cause you to think more, think of other things that would bore you. 

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