Wednesday, July 25, 2012


You are in for a surprise. You have a very high blood sugar and yet I tell you that your body lack sugar. It is because the sugar that your body is producing and the sugar that you are eating stays in the blood stream and cannot enter the cells and tissues of your body which need it most. And the reason for this is the lack of insulin which is the hormone responsible for carrying blood sugar inside the cell.
Your doctor would insist that you have to bring down your sugar intake in the forms of soft drinks, pastries and plain sugar in the coffee. The reason for this is because your organs are being destroyed by the excess sugar and yet your cells are still hungry for sugar. The brain for instance cannot use any other source of energy but the sugar you are eating and the stored sugar you have in your body. The moment your insulin is not adequate to bring in to the cells the sugar they need, you start to get hungry and the body manufactures more sugar from your tissues ( body fats).
If you are still hungry and you start to diet, this will trigger the body to produce more sugar from your own tissues. You are eating yourself.
Even if you are diabetic, you can eat anything; in fact everything on the table can be eaten except the spoon and fork, of course. But in moderate amount. Even sweets, pastries, cakes, ice cream and whatever food rich in sugar can be eaten but in moderation.
Nobody ever told you to starve yourself. But because most doctors do not explain, most diabetics overdo themselves.
How do you know what you have eaten is enough for a diabetic? The size is usually half of what the non-diabetics are eating. One half of a  slice of cake, for instance,  is good enough. It will not raise your blood sugar to very high levels if you test yourself the next day. What is important is that you did not miss your medications. Make sure you have achieved the best level of blood sugar with the medications by having a regular check of your HBA1C. But never indulge on anything sweet. Always bear in mind that you are just preventing your body from eating itself.

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