Monday, July 30, 2012

What to eat and what not to eat - GALL BLADDER STONE

If you don’t have the desire to have surgery for now and you would not like to have the symptoms of bloatedness, epigastric pains, back pains and the feeling of indigestion, don’t eat fatty foods, dairy products, any food cooked with cooking oil, very high carbohydrate concentrated delicacies (cakes, pastries). That is almost everything in Asian diet and dinner for Caucasians. Well, if you don’t like to have those symptoms above. If you cannot live without indulging in these food products, have the surgery. It is a matter of this or that. This is because the gall bladder stone is forced to enter into a smaller tube whenever you eat these food products. The smaller the stone, the acute the pain. If you are forced to eat them as in parties or socials, you can find relief of the symptoms by drinking citric acid containing juice: pineapple, apple juice, lemon juice ( lemonsito) in high concentration; meaning, no water mixed with them. Of course, you have to make way for the bad air coming out. You will pass flatus in a few seconds. If there is no relief after drinking the above concoction, do it again until you pass flatus. You will have watery stools (poops) after that. No amount of anti-spasmodics could surpass the effectivity of this concoction. I have prescribed this to so many patients who fear gall bladder surgery in the past 31 years including myself.  

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