Friday, September 14, 2012


 I seldom schedule operations one after the other. This is because  the reservation of the operating room is divided among surgeons and we cannot usurp the whole day for single surgeon.With more than 50 surgeons practicing in the city and a few operating suites in 6 hospitals, this is tricky. If schedules are not well rehearsed, the OR STAFF bears the brunt of irate surgeons.
I have seen patients being wheeled out of the operating room suite because the surgeon was late 5 minutes. To the disgust of the incoming surgeon,  the late surgeon wheeled back his own patient into the operating table; carried his own patient without asking from the OR  staff and transferred her into the operating table.
The incoming surgeon cannot do anything but stare at the unfolding scenario. He waited outside the operating suite for two hours before he could do his thing.
Now, some surgeons would blocked off one whole morning for his procedures if there are no other surgeons requesting for a slot.Thus,  he can schedule patients one after the other. But this is very seldom OR staff would ever  allow. But I did it today. It was fun.

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