Tuesday, September 4, 2012


In these days of mixed marriage, Caucasians entering marriage with Asians, Blacks marrying Orientals, there are a lot of normal symptoms we find in babies born from them which we do not find  in pure breed brown heritage. These symptoms often trigger panic from both parents thinking that they have not seen these symptoms form each individual families's babies.
Sweating babies for example. We seldom see this in Filipino babies nor in Libyans ( I was there) nor in the Expats's babies I often see. But when a mixed parent comes into the clinic not for the baby of course but to consult their own problems, they side-consult what is happening to their baby why she sweats early in the morning or even in cold evenings. Some babies still sweat inside an air-conditioned room. On examination, the baby is in perfect health.
The sole reason is that these babies of mixed marriage have a different thermostat setting. They usually get the gene setting of the dominant thermostat:  the Father from a temperate country. They can only adopt to the tropical temperature when they have reached  10 months to 1 yr. Some babies will take a longer time. Meanwhile, they will sweat and sweat like a worker under the heat of the sun. What they need is water to drink to prevent dehydration.

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