Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A lot of people including non-surgeon doctors find a sebaceous cyst as a non-disease and would brush aside its presence.
 I have seen a lot of them reverting to a serious illness like PLEURO--CUTANEOUS FISTULA ( a draining sinus into the skin coming from the lungs). I have seen a patient whose sebaceous cyst  developed into a big abscess covering the whole area of his back. He underwent debridement under general anesthesia. This happened because his doctor told him the sebaceous cyst was nothing to worry about and he allowed the mass to grow bigger and become infected.
A woman 35 years old had a sebaceous cyst on her breast for 3 months. She was breast feeding. This became infected and involved the whole breast  to develop into a severe ACUTE MASTITIS. I had to do INCISION AND DRAINAGE  to decrease the size of her breast which was enlarging double the size of the other breast.
I find it best to remove this before infection sets in. The moment it has developed into an abscess, the excision procedure becomes difficult and most likely to recur.

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